Breakfast Cup 早餐杯


Cheese Melt / Coles Tasty Cheese Bacon – 4 pcs White bread – 4pcs Eggs – 4 pcs(600g) Butter – moderate amount Black pepper


Prepare 4 ramekins and brush them with butter.

Cut off the crust, brush butter onto the bread, and cut the sides about 2cm each。

Insert the bread into the ramekin.

Roll the bacon and place it onto the bread, break an egg on it. Repeat these steps for each ramekin.

Insert all ramekins into air fryer, choose “ bake” function to cook for 10 mins.

Add cheese and black pepper on top, bake about 4 mins in 180 degrees. Remove ramekins , let cool slightly then serve immediately.


  1. Prepare butter in a room temperature for easy application.

  2. Pour the egg into a bowl before putting it onto the ramekin to avoid spilling.


食材: 芝司

培根 4片 白麵包 4片 蛋 4顆 (不要選擇Extra Large,中型蛋最佳) 牛油 適量 黑胡椒 少許


  1. 準備4個圓形小烤盅,並於內部抹上奶油備用。

  2. 白吐司去邊,將雙面及4邊均抹上奶油後,於4邊中間切開2公分。

  3. 將吐司放入抹好奶油的烤盅裡輕壓整形,切邊略重疊像花杯一樣 。

  4. 將培根圍在吐司杯內部,並在培根圈中間放入一個全蛋。

  5. 放進氣炸鍋,烘焙180度10分鐘。

  6. 放上起司再烘焙180度4分鐘並灑上粗黑胡椒粒即可。




Air fryer