Honey Roasted Chicken Wings 蜜糖烤鷄翅


Chicken Wings - 6 pieces

Honey - Moderate amount

Sugar - 4 table spoon

Oyster Sauce - 2 table spoon

Black Soy Sauce - 2 table spoon

Light Soy Sauce - 1 table spoon

Black Pepper - 1 table spoon

Shao Xing Wine (Chinese Wine) - 1 table spoon

Garlic - Moderate amount

Red Bean Curd - Half piece


  1. Clean the chicken wings thoroughly and pat dry with paper towels. Discard wing tips. Prick the meat with toothpicks or fork to bring out flavor.

  2. Add all the marinade ingredients to the chicken and marinate for overnight.

  3. Put the chicken wings on the skewers, and place them on the Rotisserie.

  4. Choose “Roast” and “ Roll” functions to cook for 12 minutes.

  5. Brush honey on the chicken wings. Repeat the same functions and cook for 2 minutes.

  6. Remove from the air fryer,let cool slightly and serve to warm.


鷄翅 - 6 支

蜜糖 - 適量

糖 - 4 湯匙

蠔油 - 2 湯匙

老抽 - 2 湯匙

生抽 - 1 湯匙

黑胡椒粉 - 1 湯匙

紹興酒 - 1 湯匙

蒜(切碎) - 適量

南乳 - 半片


  1. 將醃料攪拌均勻,備用。

  2. 雞翅清洗乾淨後擦乾水分,剪掉最尾端部分,以牙籤或叉子刺肉協助入味。

  3. 醃料與雞翅攪均勻,放入冰箱過夜。

  4. 用串燒叉串起雞翅,裝上串燒架。

  5. 按“燒烤”鍵 12 分鐘,並啟動旋轉功能。

  6. 時間到後再按 2 分鐘,啟動旋轉功能,不過在燈亮起來時打開蓋子,為雞翅塗上蜜糖,再關蓋。

  7. 取出待涼後即可享用。

Product 使用產品:

Buffalo Air Fryer 牛頭牌空氣炸鍋

Remarks 備注:

This is how Red Bean Curd looks like. You can get it easily in Asian Grocery. 在澳洲,您可在亞洲超市輕易尋獲南乳(紅色腐乳)
Air fryer