Crispy Roasted Pork 脆皮燒肉


Pork Belly - 1 kg

Shao Xing Wine - Moderate amount

Salt - - Moderate amount

White Vinegar - Moderate amount


Salt - 2 Table spoon

Chicken Stock Powder - 2 Table spoon

Pepper - 1 Table spoon

Five Spice Powder - 1/2 Table Spoon



  1. Combine all marinade ingredients, set aside.

  2. Boil a pot of water. Once it’s boiled, turn off the heat. Place the pork belly in the pot for 15 minutes and remove from pot, set aside. (For medium rare result.)

  3. Pat dry pork with paper towels. Use the meat tenderizer circular blade to poke the skin . Turn pork over, make a couple of deep slashes across the flesh diagonally. (This would help marinade penetrates deeper into the flesh.)

  4. Marinade the underside with Shao Xing Wine until it’s absorbed. Place the rest of the marinade over the underside.

  5. Turn back with skin side facing up. Prepare a container and wrap the pork side with aluminium foil.

  6. Lastly, brush skin with salt, and leave to dry up in the fridge overnight. ( leave the lid open as low temperature speeds up the drying process.)


Insert the low rack in the air fryer.

Place the pork with skin side facing down. Choose “turbo” function to cook for 15 mins.

Turn the pork over with skin side facing up. Choose “Roast” function to cook for 25 to 30 mins until it’s crisp. Remove pork, let cool slightly and serve to warm.


豬腩肉 - 1 公斤

紹興酒 - 適量

鹽 - 適量

白米醋 - 適量


鹽 - 2 湯匙

鷄精粉 - 2 湯匙

胡椒粉 - 1 湯匙

五香粉 - 1/2 湯匙



  1. 將醃料攪拌均勻,備用。

  2. 豬腩肉拖水15分鐘,既是煮滾一鍋的水,沸騰後熄火,把豬肉放入鍋內15分鐘,豬肉將呈現6、7分熟狀態。

  3. 撈起瀝乾水分,用插肉針於豬皮上大量刺孔;翻轉,用尖刀在肉面上劃數刀,更能入味。

  4. 先把紹興酒涂遍豬腩肉,待乾後再把醃料抹於肉面及側面。

  5. 用鋁箔紙把肉麵和側面包好,豬皮向上。

  6. 為豬皮掃上一遍白米醋,待乾後再塗一遍,最少塗三遍。

  7. 最後為豬皮塗上一層鹽。

  8. 將豬腩肉置入冰箱過夜,豬皮無需覆蓋,冰箱內的溫度有助於豬皮變得更乾。


  1. 全能氣炸鍋置入高低架,使用低架。

  2. 先燒烤肉面,豬皮向下,選擇快煮功能 15 分鐘。

  3. 翻轉豬腩肉,豬皮向上,選擇燒烤功能 25 ~ 30分鐘至豬皮呈鬆脆狀態,取出待涼後即可享用。

Air fryer